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                        "comment": "Created page with \"[[File:Malta's_place.jpeg]]  Malta's place is a drekhole tenement from before the first Crash. The place has been pretty fragged since Redmond was destroyed. Malta originally...\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-02-28T18:11:19Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"The 37 Juggernauts are a street gang in fairly deep Redmond. Their leader is [[Krash]] and Ork.\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-02-28T18:12:40Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"Krash is an Ork who was born that way. He successfully took over the [[37 Juggernauts]].\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T01:19:22Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"Malta  A: Skills B: Attributes C: Resources D: Metatype E: Magic  Elf (Dryad) (+1 Social Tests that aren't intimidation)  Qualities: \tPositive: Perceptive (10 point version),...\""
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                        "comment": "Created page with \"[[File:Gilly.jpg]]  Gilly is a moderately well placed fixer who tends to be enigmatic and distant with her runners. She tends to be detached from the world and less involved i...\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T05:09:56Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"Doyle is a reporter for a hundred different news organizations. His SIN says Aztechnology on it - and he primarily sells stories to their newswebs - but he is willing and able...\""
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                "title": "Doyle"
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                        "user": "Malta",
                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T05:14:21Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"Looking for something different for your next night out in Seattle? Then plan a visit to the Ork Underground, starting with dinner at the metroplex\u2019s first and best restaura...\""
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                        "user": "Malta",
                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T05:19:20Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"Jane Watson is an Ork in her late 20s who bar tends at the [[Big Rhino]] far more than seems really reasonable. She is far more invested in the Ork Underground than many, and...\""
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                        "comment": "Created page with \"[[File:Whiley.jpg]]  Whiley is who Malta considers his best friend. Insofar as Whiley is typically not looking for a favour when he comes to Malta, usually just to play Miracl...\""
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                        "comment": "Created page with \"Dante's Inferno is a club in Seattle owned by Dante Passini. The club's manager is an elf, who goes by the name \"Alessio\". They also have a separate branch with a single estab...\""
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                        "comment": "Created page with \"Dom is a retired troll military combat medic who owns a small discreet clinic/body-mod shop up in the Bellevue side of Kirkland. It's the one Rev\u00e0n used on his first run here...\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T15:53:02Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"A fairly simple file for doing a call/response with the black box to authenticate the file.  Jynx was able to pull the call sign of the plane out of the hashes in this file.\""
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                        "user": "Rev\u00e0n",
                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T20:29:51Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T15:53:22Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"*[[Hyperborian_Aerospace_Black_Box_Authentication_Protocol]]\""
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                        "user": "Malta",
                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T15:53:45Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T16:06:34Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"*[[37 Juggernauts]]\""
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                        "user": "Rev\u00e0n",
                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T20:25:10Z",
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                        "comment": "Created page with \"This job was given to the team by a [[Miss Thompson]] who claims to be interested in retrieving testing data from a black box flight recorder from a [[Hyperborean Aerospace]]...\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T20:38:46Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T20:41:51Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-01T20:40:07Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"== AAA == * [[Ares Macrotechnology]] * [[Aztechnology]] * [[Evo]]  * [[Horizon]] * [[Mitsuhama Computer Technologies]] * [[NeoNET]] * [[Renraku Computer Systems]] * Saeder-K...\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-02T04:32:58Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"Integra works at a business specializing in headhunting headed in the Bellevue district, but doesn't have much particular love for corporations and partakes in the fixer game...\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-02T04:43:56Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"Lyra is a talismonger by trade and owns a storefront out in Windermere. She is fairly dedicated to her craft and spends much of the year off in exotic locations to hunt for va...\""
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-02T19:25:52Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with \"These were the gang members that were in the bar that we met Mr. Steiner's mouthpiece.\""
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                "title": "Red Jackets"
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                        "timestamp": "2017-03-02T20:09:40Z",
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