The Larrys

From Jackpoint
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Johnny Spinrad is commonly known to travel with a team of three bodyguards. All three of them are pretty well known for not the type to loom over their boss, rather being much more simple team of heavies to take a bullet, they are often at better vantage points using different skills to make it easier to get a birds eye view, and see who is going to attack.

Tall Larry - aka Larry Grandé - he's literally a 6'5" human with more built in armour than most. His main specialties are working a crowd and taking a bullet. He has never seen seen to wield a weapon, but has definitely shot someone while unarmed. He is almost always within 15m of Johnny and has the skill to hustle that distance pretty damn quickly. He is, by far, the most ordinary bodyguard on staff.

The Porcupine - aka Sharp Larry - famous for having 9 datajacks. Rumours say that he's recently upgraded them to datajack plusses, he often looks like his spinal column is covered in spines or tentacles. He also is often said to be wearing Medusa Extensions in his hair, though few get close enough for it to matter. While he is an accomplished Decker, he is also an accomplished Rigger, few are certain how he manages to Deck while using an RCC.

Antonia - aka Not Larry and I will Kill You If You Continue That Joke - a vampire. She is a tall lanky vampire who is incredibly skilled at blending into a crowd. Unlike the more femme-fatale assumptions most people make, she is better known for wearing fashion that makes her blend, and wearing fashion very precisely to match exactly what the crowd is about. He's a Mystic Adept, and dual matured, so definitely worth watching out for. She has been known to give people bothering Spinrad HMHVV and then starve them, since she's aware of exactly how bad that is.