Team Gear
From Jackpoint
Our main ride - A bulldog
Handling | Speed | Acceleration | Body | Armour | Pilot | Sensor | Seats |
3/3 | 3 | 1 | 16 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 6 |
- Equipment
- Morphing Licence Plate
- Power Train
- Manual Control Override
- Electromagnetic
- Satellite Link
- Cosmetic
- High Lifestyle Amenities
- Tag Eraser
- Weapons
- Mount: Standard size, Internal, Flexible
- Mounting an Ares Alpha
- Mount: Standard size, Internal, Flexible
- Mounting an Ares Alpha
- Mount: Standard size, Internal, Flexible
Handling | Speed | Acceleration | Body | Armour | Pilot | Sensor |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 3 |
(Sensor rules are SR5 p.445)
- 4 generic with a cross-section of sensors:
- Camera, Omnidirectional microphone, Laser microphone, Motion sensor, Ultrasound, Cyberware scanner, MAD scanner, Radio signal scanner
- Camera, Omnidirectional microphone, Laser microphone, Motion sensor, Ultrasound, Atmosphere sensor, Geiger counter, Olfactory scanner
- Camera, Omnidirectional microphone, Laser microphone, Motion sensor, Ultrasound, Geiger counter, MAD scanner, Laser range finder
- Camera, Omnidirectional microphone, Laser microphone, Motion sensor, Ultrasound, Cyberware scanner, Laser range finder, Radio signal scanner
- 1 with improved audiovisual sensors (+3000¥):
- Laser microphone, Motion sensor, Ultrasound, Cyberware scanner, Laser range finder, Geiger counter
- Camera
- Low-light vision
- Thermographic vision
- Vision magnification
- Omnidirectional microphone,
- Audio enhancement 3 (+3 to limit on audio perception tests, +3 to dice Wireless bonus)
(We have not bought this yet)
Handling | Speed | Acceleration | Body | Armour | Pilot | Sensor | |
Initial | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 |
Modded | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 3 |
- Rating 6 Pilot
- Autosofts
- Rating 6 Melee (Whip) Autosoft
- Rating 6 Targeting (Shuriken) Autosoft
- Rating 6 Stealth Autosoft
- Rating 6 Maneuver Autosoft
- Rating 6 First Aid Autosoft
- Rating 6 Handling Autosoft
- Gecko Grips (requires barrier rating 12)
- Monofilament Whip
- Shuriken (100)
- Sleeping Tiger