Amanda Bryerly

From Jackpoint

A shaman student at the Riverside Medical College who was seperated from the other students in Medschool Malarky.

OOC Contact Info
  • Name: Amanda Bryerly
  • Role: Ex-Premed
  • Connection: 1
  • Loyalty: 4
  • Runner Connection: Malta
Body Agility Reaction Strength Willpower Logic Intuition Charisma Edge Essence Magic Resonance
2 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 6 4 -
Initiative 4+1D6
Condition Monitor Physical 9, Stun 10
Limits Physical 2, Mental 5, Social 5
Armour -
Skills Sorcery 1, Conjuring 1, Arcana 2, Biotech 2, Chemistry 1, Etiquette (Professional) 2, Negotiation 1, Computer 1, Perception 1
Knowledge Skills Los Angeles 2, Magical Theory 4, Medicine 5, Biology 3, Medical Advances 1, Chemistry 2, Psychology 2, English (N), Yidish 1
Qualities and Powers Shaman tradition mage, Rat (alt) Totem (Forbidden Arcana p100)