Evelyn Flores

From Jackpoint

If you've heard of Evelyn Flores, it's probably cuz you played Turniptopia back before it went under. I was in their guild an eternity ago, but I left because I lost interest in the game. I fragging wish I hadn't, because it sounds like things really blew up after I left. Evelyn turned out to be something of a magnet for interesting people. Anyway, they had the most sucessful guild in the game for...a good while.

I actually, er, met them at one of my homeschooling groups. Back when I was still being coerced into going to them. We'd spend a lot of time talking in the park about game economies and trids and like, gender. Yknow, whatever.

~*~GreySkyOfDeath~*~ (talk) 21:26, 2 May 2017 (EST)

OOC Contact Info
  • Name: Evelyn Flores
  • Role: Fixer
  • Connection: 4
  • Loyalty: 3
  • Runner Connection: Greysky