SR5:Negative Metagenic Qualities

From Jackpoint
5th Edition Lists
Gear // Magic // Hacking // Skills // Qualities // Packs // Creatures
Positive Qualities Negative Qualities Martial Arts
Positive Metagenic Qualities Negative Metagenic Qualities

Many of the Negative Metagenic Qualities provide serious social issues for characters since they look so strange. In a world of cookie-cutter corporate employees and ever-present surveillance, being different makes you stick out like a pink mohawk at a black trench coat convention. That, and everybody looks at you like you have two heads—which may well be one of the things you have.

Getting down to chrome tacks, what this means is every time you take a quality that mentions this sidebar, you face a –1 dice pool modifier for all Social based tests, and for every three qualities, your Social limit decreases by 1. That’s the straight rules mechanic, but what does it mean to a character? Well, the character is going to be treated like an outsider or an eyesore, no matter where they go. Staring will be expected, whispers and pointing will occur, and frequent jeers are par for the course.

Certain aspects of a characters freakish appearance may draw violent attention to them from more than just Humanis schmucks. Many changelings who ended up with insectoid or draconic features have suffered from the bug spirit attention (since the bugs often assume them to be rivals) and attacks from dragon-haters during the dragon civil war, pushing them to go into hiding. Some who hid poorly ended up being killed for their appearance alone.

SURGE can happen to anyone and anything. Creating a changeling character requires the player to choose a level of SURGE: Class I (10 Karma), Class II (15 Karma), or Class III (30 Karma). The chosen class indicates the Karma limit of chosen metagenic qualities and determines the variability of SURGE characteristics for the character. Select one of three class options to determine the actual Karma cost of this variation. The three options are based on how much control a player wants in the effects of the character’s SURGE. Players with Class III characters get to select the full range of qualities, both positive and negative, for the character. Players with Class II characters select the Positive Qualities to the Karma level of their choice; they then must roll Negative Qualities randomly to balance out the Positive Qualities selected. Players with Class I characters select all qualities randomly. They initially should roll random Positive Qualities until they have what they believe to be a sufficient amount (maximum Karma value of these qualities is 30). They then randomly roll Negative Qualities to balance out the Positive Qualities.

When a player selects Positive and Negative Metagenic Qualities, the combined Karma values need to either balance exactly or err in favor of a single point of Karma on the Positive Quality side of the balance; the player must pay for the imbalance with Karma from their free Karma pool.

Gamemasters are allowed some leeway when it comes to selecting metagenic qualities for an NPC. She can either select the ones she would like the character to have for the purposes of story, campaign, or character background, or she can roll on the Metagenic Qualities Table.

In any case, the player or gamemaster has to remember the general rule of each Class of SURGE. Class I SURGE can be totally random but is limited to metahuman and minor animal qualities; there is no need to connect the Positive and Negative Qualities to the same metatype or animal classification. Class II SURGE is more diverse and includes traits found outside the metahuman spectrum; again there is no need to connect Positive and Negative Qualities, though it tends to be more likely. Class III SURGE runs the gamut, though the majority have traits that all reflect a similar theme, such as catperson, lizardperson, birdperson, etc.; thus the Positive and Negative Qualities should all relate to the overall theme.



The character is clinically obese due to metabolic or genetic dysfunction and possesses more than thirty percent body fat. Because of his massive weight and abdominal girth, he is cumbersome and slow to react. Reduce his Movement rates to: Walking (Agility x 1), Running (Agility x 2), Sprinting (+0.5m/hit). Additionally, the character receives a –1 dice pool modifier to all physical activities, including combat. The character also becomes out of breath much faster than a healthy person. Double the DV for Fatigue Damage (p. 172, SR5) from strenuous activities, and halve the duration between Resistance Tests.

Astral Hazing



A character with this quality has expressed metagenes that somehow catalyze and feed on the character’s darker emotions and negative feelings, disturbing the character’s aura and any ambient mana in her vicinity. For reasons not yet understood, the character becomes an aspected domain in her own right and taints astral space around her wherever she goes: she is a generator of tainted background count. This astral haze affects all attempts to cast magic on, at, or in the character’s vicinity. Whatever the ambient mana conditions are, the character always stands at the heart of a Rating 3 background count (p. 30–32, Street Grimoire) that extends a number of meters from her body equal to her Essence; this background count also impairs her own actions if the character is Awakened. If she remains in one place for long, the background count expands by one meter in every direction every four hours (at the gamemaster’s discretion, with an upper expansion limit of 4 points of background count).



Characters with the Berserker quality have a very little self-control and are prone to falling into a primal rage caused by hormonal or psychological imbalance. Unlike the Berserk adept power (p. 169, Street Grimoire), the character has no control over this sudden fury. The gamemaster may choose to trigger the Berserker rage at any point when the character becomes emotionally agitated—though she should call for a Composure (3) Test (p. 152, SR5) to see whether the character can suppress the urge. While enraged, the character is subject to frenzied bloodlust and will attack anyone nearby, even friends, without regard for his own safety. The Berserker rage temporarily adds +1 to all of the character’s Physical attribute ratings, but lowers his Mental attribute ratings by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for the duration of 1D6 Combat Turns. If the character has an adrenaline pump (p. 459, SR5), the berserker rage always triggers the implant.



The character produces the pigment luciferin and the enzyme luciferase in her hair and/or skin, creating a green to blue glow via a chemical reaction. Though too weak to observe in normal light, the glow is bright enough to spot the character in partial light or full darkness, reducing visibility modifiers by one level. The glow is sufficient to enable a character with low-light vision to reduce visibility modifiers around themselves by one level as well.

Cephalopod Skull


The character has a kraken-like head consisting of a nacre-like substance instead of bone and a soft epidermis, with tiny tentacles that cover the shoulders and upper thorax. The skull and the upper torso are soft, imposing a –3 dice pool modifier when resisting damage in this region. A Cephalopod Skull inflicts modifiers on social interaction (see Freaks sidebar, p. 123).



The character’s blood runs cold, like that of a snake. This means she has a hard time maintaining her own body temperature and keeping everything running smoothly. Whenever the character is exposed to temperatures below thirty degrees Celsius, all tests related to Physical attributes face a –1 dice pool modifier. Below twenty degrees Celsius they face a –3 dice pool modifier. Below ten degrees Celsius they face a –5 dice pool modifier. At zero degrees Celsius the character ceases to function entirely and enters a comatose state until she is sufficiently warmed.

The bodies of characters with this quality have temperatures close to the air temperature, providing a –2 dice pool modifier against detection or attack by anyone perceiving them solely through thermographic vision or thermal sensitivity (p. 118).

Critter Spook


Something about the character’s presence or smell seems threatening to animals and paranormal critters. Any animals within five meters of the character react with fear and hostility; apply a –2 dice pool modifier to attempts to control, soothe, or pacify them. If drawn into combat, a critter will go out of its way to attack this character first.

Cyclopean Eye


Instead of two eyes, the character possesses a single huge eye directly above the nose, with the same natural vision abilities of his metatype. Because he lacks binocular vision cues, such as stereopsis and parallax, accurate hand-eye coordination, such as catching a basketball, is difficult. In game terms, characters with a Cyclopean Eye receive a –1 dice pool modifier for all Combat Tests and all technical and physical skill tests that require precision (gamemaster’s discretion). Cyclopean characters lack the cerebral lobe development and neural connections to process binocular vision, so they cannot compensate for this negative quality with a cybereye.

Characters with the Cyclopean Eye quality suffer social stigma and modifiers (see Freaks sidebar, p. 123).



A character with metagenic Deformity has abnormal and asymmetrical facial and body features. Given that many characters with this quality have misplaced sensory organs, such as having both eyes on one side of the face or the nose centered on the forehead, the condition is known on the streets as a Picasso (5 Karma for a severe facial deformity). A significant physical deformity is sometimes called a Quasimodo (15 Karma for a severe physical deformity). Even in the 2070s, characters with this quality who do not hide their abnormalities will suffer social marginalization (double the modifiers offered in the Freaks sidebar, p. 123). Depending upon whether the deformity affects sensory or motor functions, the character receives a –2 dice pool modifier to Perception (Picasso) or –2 dice pool modifier to Physical Active Tests (Quasimodo). These deformities are too extensive to be corrected. If the quality is not bought off with Karma, complications arise during surgery that cause the doctors to halt the procedure.



The character sprouts feathers that replace her regular body hair or cover other parts of her body. These feathers may be fine and downy (and partially water-resistant, like a duck’s) or fluffy and vibrant. Due to the uniqueness and ease of identifying this feature on characters, all Matrix Search Tests and tests to identify or locate the character get a +1 dice pool modifier. Feathers offer no protective value and are incompatible with the Unusual Hair and Scales Metagenic qualities.

Characters with the Feathers quality suffer social stigma and modifiers (see Freaks sidebar, p. 123).

Impaired (attribute)


One of the character’s Mental or Physical attributes is Impaired, so it is impossible for her to achieve the natural maximum level of her metatype in that attribute. Permanently reduce one of the character’s metatype attribute maximums by 2. For example, a human character would have one attribute with a natural maximum of 4 rather than the usual 6. This quality also decreases the augmented maximum by the appropriate amount. This quality can only be taken once for each attribute. If taken during play, this quality may reduce a character’s current attribute rating in the affected attribute if the maximum is reduced lower than the current rating.

Insectoid Features


The character possesses insectoid features such as compound eyes, mandibles, or insect wings Though the modifications are merely cosmetic (the character cannot fly; compound eyes have no effect on the character’s vision and are in normal eye sockets), the resemblance to insect spirit flesh forms causes the character to suffer the Hostile (p. 140, SR5) social modifier when meeting new people. If drawn into combat, people may attack this character first (to remove the apparent threat). Due to the uniqueness and ease of identifying these features on characters, all Matrix Search Tests and tests to identify or locate the character get a +1 dice pool modifier. Insectoid Features can seriously affect social interactions (see Freaks sidebar, p. 123).

Mood Hair


Mood hair changes colors according to the character’s emotional state; for example, it may turn deep red when the character is agitated. Because the character’s emotional state is clearly visible and cannot be hidden, add a +2 dice pool modifier for all Judge Intentions Tests (p. 152, SR5) against the character if the person is aware of this fact. Mood Hair is incompatible with any hair modification and the Feathers and Scales qualities.



Neotenous characters have halted during development and retain the physical traits of a child or adolescent (up to a thirteen-year-old) even though they are legally adults. Given the absence of certain traits common to adults (height, body hair, facial changes, deeper voice, and so on), they can easily be mistaken for children or teenagers. Gamemasters may modify certain Social Tests depending on how an NPC will interact with the character. People often underestimate children, which may give a neotenous character an advantage. The character’s lack of physical development reduces his default Physical Condition Monitor to 6 + (Body/2, rounded up) boxes and may result in social modifiers (see Freaks sidebar, p. 123).

Characters with Neoteny need custom armor and equipment, causing a ten percent increase in lifestyle. They also suffer social stigma and modifiers (see Freaks sidebar, p. 123).



A character with this quality has an abnormal circadian rhythm. Instead of a typical diurnal cycle, the character has the opposite—she normally sleeps during the daytime and is active at night, though a crepuscular schedule (twilight activity) is also possible. All Mental attributes are reduced by 1 during daylight hours due to weariness.



Progeria syndrome is an extremely rare condition in which some aspects of aging are greatly accelerated. Though life expectancies have increased due to advances in genetic engineering and biotech, the character has only a few more years to live (the exact number is up to the gamemaster), unless he undergoes life-prolonging techniques or gets infected by HMHVV (which turns the character into a vampire, halting the progeria). Though biogenetic treatments have diminished some of the effects during the character’s childhood, progeria has halted his physical development in an early stage, making him look like an ancient child (small stature and childlike features coupled with wrinkled skin). Such a character may be mistaken for a child, similar to Neoteny (p. 121). A character suffering from progeria also experiences side effects of the syndrome such as atherosclerosis and cardiovascular problems, resulting in a –2 dice pool modifier to all Physical Tests.



The character has scaly skin, similar to a lizard or snake. The scales may cover her entire body or only certain sections, but they are obvious and visible to onlookers. The scales might grow in certain patterns or appear in unusual colors (bright red, turquoise blue, etc.). The character will also periodically shed his scaly skin as a new layer grows in underneath. Scaly skin offers no protective value. Due to the uniqueness and ease of identifying these features on characters, all Matrix Search Tests and tests to identify or locate the character get a +2 dice pool modifier. This quality is incompatible with bioware skin augmentations and other skin-related qualities.

Characters with the Scales quality suffer social stigma and modifiers (see Freaks sidebar, p. 123)

Scent Glands


The character possesses scent glands that produce a foul odor best described as a combination of rotten eggs and skunk spray. While the normal level of smell is stinky at best and may diminish with extensive use of strong perfumes or patchouli, it becomes highly offensive under stress. The scent is difficult to remove from clothing. Add a +1 dice pool modifier to locate the character by scent (+2 when the character is stressed) and a –1 dice pool modifier to all Social Tests whenever the odor is not masked (–2 when stressed).

Slow Healer


A Slow Healer recuperates from wounds more sluggishly than normal characters do, taking typically longer to heal wounds, fatigue, and pathogen and toxin effects. The character suffers a –2 dice pool modifier to all Healing Tests, including magical healing.

Striking Skin Pigmentation


The character’s skin takes on an unusual color, either in its entirety or in patches. For example, a character may acquire brown leopard spots across her neck, shoulders, and arms, or a character’s skin may turn entirely orange, blue, or golden. The value of this quality is contingent on the striking skin color being obvious and visible, and affecting a character’s chances of being noticed, recognized, or encountering prejudice. Due to the uniqueness and ease of identifying these features on characters, all Matrix Search Tests and tests to identify or locate the character get a +2 dice pool modifier. This metagenic quality is incompatible with bioware skin augmentations.

Stubby Arms


Instead of normal arm length, the character has stubby arms resulting from skeletal dysplasia. The character suffers a –1 penalty on Reach for all Melee and Unarmed combat test. In addition, the reduced length of the arms imposes a –1 dice pool modifier for all non-Combat Tests requiring limberness and dexterity with the arms or hands (at the gamemaster’s discretion).



If the character sets up residence in a certain location for a sustained period of time (more than a season, though the gamemaster determines the specific time period) he gradually becomes attuned to the place and his surroundings. While this grants the character a preternaturally intuitive understanding of the environment and its inhabitants, the bonding can be fatal when it occurs in polluted or desolate urban environments. In game terms, the character’s biorhythm and senses gradually adapt to the environment (Essence x 100 meters in radius) around his permanent residence—the place where he spends most of his time. The character makes a Body +Willpower (3) Test each month; if they succeed, they are attuned to their environment. If they fail, they are unattuned and left to feel incomplete or lost. It may be that the area in which they live is one where they do not want to be attuned and they want to actively resist the attunement. In that case, they get a –1 dice pool modifier on the test.

Once the bond is formed, it can only be broken if the character changes his home to form a new bond. They have to live in the new place for a full month to have a chance to break the old bond, and the bond is not broken until they succeed at the Body + Willpower (3) Test in the new neighborhood.

Symbiosis provides the character with preternatural insight and connection to everything living within his sphere of attunement. This grants him a +1 dice pool modifier on any Skill Test involving the Outdoor Skill Group as well as a modifier to all Social Tests with individuals residing within the area. In addition, the character possesses an intuitive grasp of what’s going on around him, and he is emotionally affected by the condition of the land. If a fire breaks out, he instantly becomes alarmed. If all inhabitants in the area coexist peacefully, he is blissful and healthy, providing +1 to any Healing Tests performed while in the neighborhood. On the other hand, environmental and social problems—like drug abuse, gang violence, and pollution—produce a somatic response in the character, leaving him sick and depleted; treat as a persistent Mild Allergy until the situation is rectified.

Third Eye


A third eye appears in the middle of the character’s forehead. This eye incurs no vision modifiers, except that the character may still perceive depth with one eye closed. Even when the third eye is closed, an onlooker can detect its presence with a Perception (2) Test. Third Eye is incompatible with Cyclopean Eye (p. 120) and incurs social modifiers (see Freaks sidebar, p. 123).

Unusual Hair


The character’s hair changes to an unusual color or texture, or it grows from her body in unusual patterns or areas. For example, a character’s hair may be naturally violet, or she may sport a luxurious lion-like mane from her head and down her shoulders and back, or she may be entirely covered in a soft, downy fur like the nocturna elf metavariant or the monkey-like hanuman. Due to the uniqueness and ease of identifying these features on characters, all Matrix Search Tests and tests to identify or locate the character receive a +1 dice pool modifier. Unusual Hair is incompatible with other natural or artificial hair modifications.

Vestigial Tail


A normal or stumpy tail grows from the base of the character’s spine. This tail may be scaly, like a lizard; hairy, like a dog or cat; or hairless, like a rat. The tail may be wagged slightly with effort, but it has no other function and frequently causes balance issues for the character. Characters have a –1 dice pool modifier to all Physical Tests involving balance or movement such as jumping, climbing, running, etc. The Vestigial Tail quality is incompatible with the Functional Tail (p. 115), cybernetic, or bioware tails.

Characters with the Vestigial Tail quality suffer social stigma and modifiers (see Freaks sidebar).