Sunrise Towers

From Jackpoint

Located on relatively recently reclaimed land in what was the former city of San Gabriel outside of Los Angeles, this complex is geared as cheaper accomodations for CalTech students.

Plenty of students subletting here for while they aren't around at school. — Revàn(Talk) 09:46, 27 April 2021 (EST)

Sunrise Towers
  • Latitude: 34.13002029076966
  • Longitude: -118.08647352972854
  • Address: 350 Bear Avenue

Comforts & Necessities 3
Security 3
Neighborhood 4 (Zone B)
Points 0/4
Name Page Cost
Garage (Body ≤4) RF 221 1 Point
Private Room RF 223 1 Point
Soy Processing Unit RF 223 1 Point
Swimming Pool RF 224 1 Point
Total 4 Points
Final Cost 5,000¥ per month