Talk:VITAS Vehicle

From Jackpoint
Revision as of 10:26, 14 September 2022 by Jynx (talk | contribs) (Created page with "OkaY cHUmMerS, hEAR me oUt — wHAt if tHe World tHiNks thIS IS All a scEnE for A triD? seE THe ONlY FeEDs from horizoN aNd KE THAT mAkE it BAcK To thE WoRlD sHoW hOriZOn FIlM...")
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OkaY cHUmMerS, hEAR me oUt — wHAt if tHe World tHiNks thIS IS All a scEnE for A triD? seE THe ONlY FeEDs from horizoN aNd KE THAT mAkE it BAcK To thE WoRlD sHoW hOriZOn FIlMINg A BaTTle sCenE WiTh kE pROviDINg ONSiTE SECurity aND mAKINg sURE No ONe GetS On SEt. the woRLD wiLl sEe a Big fRAgginG SPIrIt defeNDiNG The CItY from A rAmPaging oVerDESIgNED juGGeRNAut, bUT It maKes SENse, becAUSE tHAt's ThE tRids, tHAt's wHat HApPEnS iN AN acTIoN TRid. seE rEvàN'S SpIRiT anD my spRITE KeePiNG tHE tANk Engaged whILE wE rUN THe CoN. thERe ARE A FeW WAYs I CaN SeE ArRAngING ThE fAke; Maybe yOU Can get tHEm To SAy thE WorDs we NEeD aNd I scRaMbLe theM into the COrrECt voIceOver, Or ELse reVàn GETS tHEM TaLkinG tO giVe SilK VoIcE SaMpLeS to rUn THe scEne heRself (on OuR cLOSed FeEDs). Or sOmETHINg eLSE. buT THIs lETs uS do tHe job, McT gEtS WHaT IT wANtS (^$#^%!$*&%$@) aND HorizON AND KE Take The fALL fOR IT — static 10:26, 14 September 2022 (EST)