When you take a Matrix Perception action, each hit can reveal one piece of information you ask of your gamemaster. Here’s a list of some of the things Matrix Perception can tell you. It’s not an exhaustive list, but it should give you a pretty good idea about how to use Matrix Perception:
- Spot a target icon you’re looking for.
- The most recent edit date of a file.
- The number of boxes of Matrix damage on the target’s Condition Monitor.
- The presence of a data bomb on a file.
- The programs being run by a persona.
- The target’s device rating.
- The target’s commode.
- The rating of one of the target’s Matrix attributes.
- The type of icon (host, persona, device, file), if it is using a non-standard (or even illegal) look.
- Whether a file is protected, and at what rating.
- The grid a persona, device, or host is using.
- If you’re out on the grid, whether there is an icon running silent within 100 meters.
- If you’re in a host, whether there is an icon running silent in the host.
- If you know at least one feature of an icon running silent, you can spot the icon (Running Silent, below).
- The last Matrix action an icon performed, and when.
- The marks on an icon, but not their owners.