Horizon Hack

From Jackpoint
Revision as of 19:25, 15 May 2020 by Malta (talk | contribs)

Jynx and Malta are finally hitting up Horizon!

Hasty notes about Cascades run

Cascade Crows territory, an ork tribe we can bribe (economy based on bribes), elf tribe neo-luddites, contact with the ork tribe, find an unmonitored stretch of border, pretend to be shamans/tribespeople (probably easiest to fake Ork tribe), bring cash because neo luddites, elf tribe hates Seattle and UCAS

(feel free to make that suck less, I'm terrible at shorthand) — Jynx (talk) 18:06, 28 April 2020 (EST)



Account Holder: Mr. Johnathan Johnson
Patient Name: Ms. Iris Fairlight
Receipt Date: June 30th, 2067

            Summary of Charges
Room, Private (x3 shifts)        $  45,000
Diagnosis, General Classificati  $   8,376
Intravenus Therapy               $   1,688
Pharmacy, General Classificatio  $  11,049
Medical Supplies, Other          $   5,412
Helipad Use, Time Slot E         $  26,745
                     Subtotal  $    98,270
  	   Insurance Discount  $         -
	     Payment Received  $    98,270
          Outstanding Balance  $         -
  Thank you for choosing Redmond General

Server Findings:

RETURN {DischargeDate, Patient.Name} FROM Records
  WHERE Account.Name IS {Johnathan Johnson}
    AND Charges INCLUDES {Helipad}
Discharge Date     Patient Name
2066-11-26         Mr. Avery Charles Doffman        
2067-06-30         Ms. Iris Fairlight
2068-10-19         Ms. Yanqing (Yannie) Liu         < Former Lotus Media (Wuxing) Manager, possibly Awakened
2069-02-07         Mr. Enrique Aristizabal-Martinez < Son of wealthy Bellevue family, SURGEd into a Nocturna in 2062. Family presumed him dead and held a funeral in 2072.
2069-08-23         Ms. Meiiko Suiga                 < Former Shiawase technomancer matrix security. 
2070-03-11         Ms. Perl Niven                   
2070-12-17         Mr. Nathaniel Sommerset
2071-01-22         Mr. Akecheta (Aki) White-Hawk    < Falcon shape-shifter working on Council Island as cultural ambassator
2072-04-08         Ms. Wakana Tanoue                
2073-07-15         Ms. Lorelei Fernstorm            < Nocturna teenager whose parents had posted a plea if anyone had seen their daughter for information
2075-03-16         Mr. Alfred James Cunningham
2075-11-30         Ms. Krisha Varuna Tripathi       < Nartaki tourist gone missing in Seattle.
2076-02-07         Mr. Robert Eugene French
2077-05-01         Mr. Volodymyr Pavlyuchenko
================== END OF RECORD ===================

RETURN {DischargeDate} FROM Records
  WHERE Account.Name 
     OR Patient.Name IS {Igor Bannivir}
2077-05-27, 2077-05-30, 2077-06-27, 2077-07-18,
2077-08-15, 2077-09-05, 2077-09-26, 2077-10-17,
2077-11-07, 2077-11-21, 2077-12-05, 2077-12-26,
2078-01-09, 2078-01-30, 2078-02-13, 2078-02-27, 
2078-03-20, 2078-04-03, 2078-04-17, 2078-05-08,
2078-05-29, 2078-06-12, 2078-06-26, 2078-07-17, 
2078-08-07, 2078-08-28, 2078-09-11, 2078-09-25, 
2078-10-16, 2078-11-06, 2078-12-04
================== END OF RECORD ===================

Sketch of Horizon Base Rooms.png