Talk:Horizon Hack

From Jackpoint

The following is OOC:

I'd like to bikeshed our approach to the base assault. I think our resources are stretched enough and the stakes are high enough that I'm not comfortable doing this run without some level of group agreement about approach and stakes. So the first thing I'd like to confirm are goals. The following are ones I can think of:

Primary Goals:

  • Find Iris and Malta's family, and if possible rescue them.

Secondary Goals

  • Figure out what the hell this site is up to
    • If we don't like it, either stop it or subvert it or bring drek down on them or whatever
  • Find, kidnap and interrogate Igor Bannivir

Subgoals pertaining to the above

  • Obtain various forms of security badges, credentials, etc. to gain "legitimate" physical and matrix access.
  • Figure out the layout, both physical and matrix
  • Locate and talk to sympathetic individuals
  • Locate and coerce relevant unsympathetic individuals

Feedback on this? — Jynx (talk) 18:18, 7 May 2020 (EST)

My goals:

  • Fixing Bannivir's drek is my prime
  • I don't suspect my kids are here, my wife is a legit employee, but if they are
    • Figure out who we need to burn

For the subgoals - I want to see if we can paint a few targets via the flyspies.

  • We should make find out how many people are inside.
  • A datatap into something sensible is a good shortterm goal
  • We need to paint the doorways in order to figure out how to enter physically

-MaltaTalk 15:54, 13 May 2020 (EST)

Okay, so my next questions would be, what are we looking at for consequences of failure.

  • Does failing a single stealth/matrix stealth result in immediately being detected and the whole site on alert
  • If we go unconscious here, is this an effective end to the characters? If not, what kind of lasting consequences are we risking (without necessarily going into spoiler territory)?

Anything else? I figure assessing the difficulty is something that be actually done in character, by the two Perception characters. (okay, so one of us can only do it on the Matrix)

Jynx (talk) 16:15, 13 May 2020 (EST)

Yes - making sure we have table stakes in place matters

Also - we should mark up that Ares Dragon if we can find it on the Matrix, we want to have a super-drone to cover our escape (and be our payment)

- MaltaTalk 20:21, 13 May 2020 (EST)