
From Jackpoint
Stat Base Final Notes
Cost 5,000¥ per month 4605¥ per month (5000 + 1540) * (1 - 29.6%) = 4605
Comforts & Necessities 3 3
Security 3[1] 3 -1 die pool
Neighborhood 3 4 Zone C, security responses as Zone D
Points 4 7/7
Name Page Cost Notes
Cleaning Service RF 220 0 Points, 400¥ Service, no points [2]
Panic Room RF 222 2 Points, 1000¥ Minimum High, not free
Private Room RF 223 0 Points, 20¥ Asset with minimum <= Medium, no points
Soy Processing Unit RF 223 0 Points, 20¥ Asset with minimum <= Medium, no points
Zen Den (News) RF 224 2 Points Minimum Medium, free with points
Bat Cave
  • Psychology Kit
  • Empty
  • Empty
RF 224 2 Points Minimum Medium, free with points
Garage (Motorcycle) RF 221 1 Points Minimum Medium, free with points
Garage (Van) RF 221 0 Points, 100¥ Asset with minimum <= Medium, no points
  • 7 Points
  • +1540¥
Name Page Cost Notes
Dangerous Area SR5 370 -20% cost of lifestyle
Rough Neighbourhood HT 141 +1 Point, -1 Neighbourhood
Lax Security HT 141 +1 Point, -1 security dice pool
Household Gremlins (2) HT 141 -20% cost of lifestyle
Shared Lifestyle (Amanda Bryerly) SR5 371, HT 140 +10% cost of lifestyle, +1 Point
  • +3 Points
  • -1 Neighbourhood
  • -1 security dice pool
  • -29.6% cost of lifestyle
1 - (1 - 20%) * (1 - 20%) * (1 + 10%) = -29.6%
  1. Security like Stuffershack or a suburban home
  2. see HT 140